Markov Plot View

Match Markov Model Disease Progression to Clinical Data
Coming in January 2025

You need to build models that accurately represent disease progression. This can be difficult in Markov models where disease progression is driven by a collection of event probabilities.

The Markov Plot View allows you to create a graphical representation of Markov disease progression with a single click. You can overlay the Markov Plot with survival tables to see how closely your model matches with source clinical data.

You can then adjust your model pathways and/or event probabilities to better match the source data, resulting in a more accurate model.

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With the Markov Plot View, you can adjust your inputs iteratively and immediately see the impact on survival over time.

Look what happens to survival in both the cohort and PartSA reports as the probability of death is adjusted.

By overlaying Kaplan-Meier survival data, you can calibrate and validate your model to accurately match clinical data.