TreeAge Pro Training

Move up the learning curve quickly with public, private or online training.

Choose the training option that is best for you from the descriptions and agendas provided below.

Training Schedule

Build healthcare modeling proficiency quickly with an 9-hour training course (split over two 4.5-hour sessions) presented via Zoom.

  • Learn how to build Decision Trees and Markov Models to accurately represent disease progression and treatment options.
  • Compare strategies with Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
  • Assess the impact of uncertainty with Sensitivity Analysis.

We cover the following topics to get you started on your modeling projects right away.

  1. Introduction
  2. Decision Trees
  3. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  4. Markov Models
  5. Sensitivity Analysis
  6. Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis
  7. Price Threshold Analysis

Click here for a detailed agenda.

Click here for the current Training Calendar.

Learn advanced healthcare modeling techniques like patient simulation for your more complex models.

  • Build Patient Simulation, Discrete Event Simulation and Partitioned Survival models.
  • Validate your models with patient-level reporting and model calculation tracking.
  • Export your models to Excel for review by colleagues.

This course is presented in a 7.5-8 hour course (split across two 3.5- to 4-hour online sessions) presented via Zoom.

  1. Patient Simulation
  2. Bootstrapping & Subgroup Analysis
  3. Model Debugging
  4. Model Calibration
  5. Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
  6. Partitioned Survival Analysis (PartSA)
  7. Exporting Models and Results to Excel
  8. Budget Impact Analysis

Click here for a detailed agenda.

Click here for the current Training Calendar.

Build healthcare modeling proficiency quickly with a 2-day in-person training course. The course begins with basic model building and extends through complex modeling and analyses. Several exercises will consolidate your new skills to best prepare you for your modeling projects.

  • Learn how to build Decision Trees and Markov Models to accurately represent disease progression and
    treatment options.
  • Compare strategies with Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
  • Assess the impact of uncertainty with Sensitivity Analysis.
  • Build Patient Simulation and Partitioned Survival models.
  • Validate your models with patient-level reporting and model calculation tracking.

We cover the following topics.

  1. Introduction
  2. Decision Trees
  3. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  4. Markov Models
  5. Markov Modeling Exercise
  6. Sensitivity Analysis
  7. Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis
  8. Model Analysis Exercise
  9. Patient Simulation
  10. Model Debugging
  11. Bootstrapping and Subgroup Analysis
  12. Partitioned Survival Analysis
  13. Cloning/CEA Exercise
  14. Price Threshold Analysis
  15. Budget Impact Analysis

Click here for a detailed agenda.

Click here for the current Training Calendar.

Learn the right way to use decision tree analysis to value your lawsuits.

This course is presented by Marc B. Victor, Esq., President, Litigation Risk Analysis, Inc.
The course consists of two 4-hour online Zoom sessions.
Class size is limited to 10 people. The cost is $1,000 per person.

Marc will cover the following topics to enable you to evaluate your cases right away.

  1. Introduction to Litigation Risk AnalysisTM
  2. Capturing the Key Uncertainties in Your Case
  3. Quantifying Your Subjective Opinions
  4. Solving for the Value of Your Case
  5. Refining Your Pretrial and Trial Strategy
  6. Creating Verdict Variables and Formulas
  7. Managing Large, Complex Trees

Click here for a detailed agenda.
Click here for more course details.
Click here for setup and requirements related to TreeAge online training.

If you have a small, medium or large group that would  benefit from on-site TreeAge Pro training, an experienced trainer will come to your facility to train your staff.

We can deliver the following materials on-site.

  • Healthcare Modeling Course (2 days)
  • Healthcare Modeling Course Condensed (1 day)
  • Advanced Modeling Course (1 day)
  • Custom materials specific to your needs.

Work directly on your model with a TreeAge Pro expert. This can jump-start your project saving you hours of time.

Typical engagements are 1-3 hours total.


  • Cancel more than 30 days before the training – 80% refund.
  • Cancel between 29 and 15 days before the training – 50% refund.
  • Cancel between 14 and 5 days before the training – 25% refund.
  • Cancel less than 5 days before the training – no refund.


  • Payment for online virtual / and private training is non-refundable.
  • Private prepaid training must be exercised within 12 months from date of payment or funds will be forfeited.
Contact to register for an existing class or to request more information.
* Course registration does not include a TreeAge Pro software license.

“I’d been teaching myself TreeAge for about 6 months before attending the HC and advanced courses. The manuals and support service are great, but if you want to learn fast and develop a high level of confidence in your modeling then I strongly recommend the training.”
– Biostastician in Infectious Disease