Sharing Models on the Web

Share Your Models on the Web – Now Available!

Modelers can…

  • Upload a model to
  • Choose which inputs can be changed.
  • Choose which analyses can be run.
  • Send reviewers a link to the shared model.

Reviewers can then…

  • Click on the link to view the shared model.
  • Edit model inputs.
  • Run shared analyses and review the results.

View the shared model

Edit model inputs

Help Define Requirements and User Interface

To see more, watch the latest webinar.

Help us shape these new web sharing functions to meet your needs by becoming a beta tester.

Email if you are interested.

Go to to check it out.

Model types supported in July 2024:

  • Decision trees
  • Markov models
  • Patient simulation
  • Model size up to 3.5 MB
  • Up to 25 models
  • Models hosted for 3 months.

Analyses supported in January 2024:

  • Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Rankings
  • Markov cohort analysis
  • Tornado diagrams
  • Up to 1.2 GB memory
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Up to 15 saved analyses
  • Report size up to 3 MB

License requirements:

  • Academic, Non-profit, and Commercial licenses (not available on Student licenses)
  • Active Annual licenses and Standard licenses with current Maintenance