TreeAge Pro 2016, R1.0 was released on January 11.

This release includes the following changes to the software.

  • Time Reporting for Microsimulation – Generate time reports that show all changes to individual patients’ data as they move through the model. This provides additional transparency and debugging for Microsimulation models as well as time-based statistical reporting like survival curves.
  • Node ID Display/Report – Display node IDs in the Tree Diagram Editor or generate a Node ID Report. Use this with Time Reporting to review the path of patients through a Microsimulation model.
  • Post-Analysis Bilinks – Write analysis outputs to Excel via post-analysis bilinks. Bilinks now support three communication types during analyses – send input data to Excel, receive updated data from Excel, and send analysis outputs to Excel.
  • Convert Markov to DES – Convert an existing Markov model to a Discrete Event Simulation (DES) model. Additional changes will be required after the conversion.
  • Built-in Python Editor – Use the new built-in Python editor to create programming logic for complex calculations and processing.
  • Quick Search Tool – In any model input view (Variable Properties, Distributions, etc.), select an item and click the Search icon to find all definitions and references to that item.
  • Select Prior Expressions – In both the Formula Editor and Content-Assist, select recently entered expressions.

To update your software.

  • This version requires an active Annual License or a Standard License with Maintenance expiring on or after January 1, 2016. Please go to to see if your license is eligible for this release.
  • You can update your software by choosing Help > Update from the menu. You may need to restart TreeAge Pro running as an administrator to complete this process.
  • Alternatively, you can update to this version via a full reinstallation. You can download the installers from